
A look forward to Spring 2024

This spring we will be learning Canadian Folk songs. I was inspired recently by the work titled Woodsmoke and Oranges (Tamblyn). (Psst…. For those that know me, don’t be surprised to also anticipate other pieces that are not Canadian folk as well).

The Beginning of our 12th Season

The beginning of our 12th Season at Cantala has begun! If you haven’t auditioned yet for Cantala please do be in touch. We are always interested in meeting new and talented singers and musicians. Between a Fall weekend retreat to Haliburton to Banff in February and Roy Thompson Hall in May-it will be an exhilarating year in Cantala. Come and sing with us!

Beverly Lewis' Five Texts of William Shakespeare

Every year I receive many scores from composers near and far asking Cantala to consider learning and performing their music. So I decided to add on a spring project every year into Cantala’s season where we will workshop and record this music for these composers. It is exciting work and we are thrilled to do it.

Petites Voix: 5 reasons its a Choral Gem

This past January I took out my score of Francis Poulenc’s Petite Voix,: 5 Choeurs faciles pour 3 voix d’enfants to prep for rehearsal. I quickly started feeling regret for picking such a dissonant, difficult piece. Would we survive? Surprise! This is the story of how the piece entered our hearts and dug a bore for life.