album, alum, choristers, ConductorsNancy SinglaAugust 23, 2022choirsters, singers, cantala, cantala choir, singing, choral singing, music, mental health, laughter, nancy singlaComment The Musical Daily Allowance What do you do to keep your mental health where you want it to be? How do you get out of a rut when you’re feeling down? I have good news! Read on. album, alum, choristers, ConductorsNancy SinglaAugust 23, 2022choirsters, singers, cantala, cantala choir, singing, choral singing, music, mental health, laughter, nancy singlaComment
choristers, album, Conductors, alumNancy SinglaDecember 21, 2021cantala women's choir, cantala, nancy singla, toronto choral, toronto choral singingComment Dancing Day: now online Merry Christmas Cantala Community! Dancing Day is now being streamed on all major online music providers. Enjoy and have a safe holiday season! choristers, album, Conductors, alumNancy SinglaDecember 21, 2021cantala women's choir, cantala, nancy singla, toronto choral, toronto choral singingComment
alum, choristers, concerts, Conductors, albumNancy SinglaNovember 20, 2021Nancy Singla, erica goodman, john rutter, cantala choir, toronto choral singing, choral music, choral singing, album release 2021Comment Beautiful Things Come in Small Packages alum, choristers, concerts, Conductors, albumNancy SinglaNovember 20, 2021Nancy Singla, erica goodman, john rutter, cantala choir, toronto choral singing, choral music, choral singing, album release 2021Comment
choristers, Conductors, albumNancy SinglaOctober 10, 2018toronto womens choir, toronto choir, toronto choirs, cd, choral music, toronto choral singing, toronto choral scene, nancy singla, rach, barber, eleano, miklos kochsar, veijo tormisComment 2018 Debut Album has launched! The Cantala Women’s choir has officially launched its debut album, lovingly titled Cantala Women’s Choir. Come, listen and enjoy! choristers, Conductors, albumNancy SinglaOctober 10, 2018toronto womens choir, toronto choir, toronto choirs, cd, choral music, toronto choral singing, toronto choral scene, nancy singla, rach, barber, eleano, miklos kochsar, veijo tormisComment